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Enable Revizto integration on your project
Enable Revizto integration on your project
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Enable Revizto


  • A souscrit un abonnement à OpenSpace BIM+.

  • First log in to Revizto. Find instructions in the Sign in with Revizto article.

How to enable OpenSpace project with Revizto project

  1. Go to

  2. Log in to OpenSpace like normal.

  3. Select the project you plan to enable with Revizto.

  4. Click Project Settings in the left-hand menu, then select Integrations.

  5. Next to Revizto. select Connect.

  6. A pop-up window displays to select:

    1. Region

    2. License

    3. Revizto project

  7. Click Connect.

  8. Revizto now displays as Connected.

Next steps

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