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Field Notes: OpenSpace Web

Add a Field Note into your capture, or search through your previously created Field Notes

Updated over a week ago




Site Administrator

Organization Administrator

Viewing a Field Note

Creating a Field Note


Field Notes is now available on the web! 

With Field Notes, you can take a note with your mobile phone while you are doing an OpenSpace walk. That note will then automatically appear at the time and location you took it in the OpenSpace capture. This allows you to add detailed images and other context to your walks, which you can then use in your workflows - punch items, observations, RFI data, and so on.

Using Field Notes, project team members can do other QA/QC and safety activities like capturing high-resolution photos on their smartphone, and those photos can be annotated, intelligently tied to the Google street view-like walk, geolocated, and properly oriented.

Please note that this article shows how to use Field Notes on web only - for a tutorial on taking field notes in the OpenSpace mobile app, click here

View Field Notes

  • Start from the applicable project/site and go to your captures.

  • Click on the "Field Notes" icon on the left side of your screen to pop out the field notes tray.

  • All field notes created within your project will show up here. Type in the "Search Field Notes" box to run a full-text search on them, or filter by Tag, Date, Floors, or Status, or Creator (this is through the more option. You can also click on the arrow to reorder them by date.

  • Click on a Field Note in the list to pull it up for editing or viewing. You can also download the Field Note, export it to Procore or BIM 360, or click on "Travel to Note" to view that note's location within your capture.

Create Field Notes

There are two ways to create a Field Note.

1. Toolbar Field Note button

  • From the top center of your screen, click on the Field Note sticky. Then drop the Field Note into the capture at the relevant location.

  • Once you've created a Field Note, you can add text, an image, and other fields. The Field Note will show up as a sticky right where you left it.

2. Directly within the capture (BETA*)

*To request access to the BETA, please reach out to your OpenSpace contact to get this feature set up.

  • Create a Field Note with only one click by clicking anywhere on a capture. The capture will center on the point where you've designated the Field Note. Make sure to click "Create" to save the Field Note.

  • Didn't want to create a Field Note? Click directly outside of the mini modal to close the Field note without saving, hit Esc on your keyboard, or click "Cancel". If you've entered 10+ characters in the description, have assigned a status, or have assigned an assignee, you will need to directly select "Cancel" to avoid creating the Field Note.

  • You have an option to add additional details to a Field Note by clicking "More" to open the traditional Field Note modal.

    • Similarly to creating a Field Note within the toolbar, once a Field Note is created, you can add text, an image, and other fields.

Share Direct Link to a Field Note

  • Click on the three dots on the Field Note itself, then click Share Link. This link will take the recipient directly to that Field Note in the current project.

For any best practice tips and/or other questions feel free to visit our Field Note FAQ page

If you have any additional questions please reach out to the OpenSpace support team at

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