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Release Notes
Updated over 2 months ago

December 2024

  • New Usage API: The new usage API delivers flexible data access, and is built for customers looking for in-depth reporting on their OpenSpace usage. The tool easily integrates with analytics tools like PowerBI—great for helping you make data-driven decisions. Find details in this Support article. If you’re ready to get started, reach out to your OpenSpace account executive.

  • Improvements to Saved Views in OpenSpace BIM+:

    • You can now choose to create your own Saved Views in BIM Compare, visible to just you. For example, BIM managers coordinating clash detection or superintendents checking progress can create private views to help focus on what’s important, without cluttering the list for other users. (You can still also make Saved Views that are public to the team.)

    • We’ve also rolled out the ability to edit a previously created Saved View, removing the need to start over with a new Saved View. Learn more about Saved Views in our Support article.

More improvements, big and small


  • Set orientation when adding a Field Note outside of a 360° capture: When adding a new Field Note from a 2D image (not during a 360° capture) in our mobile app, you can now set a directional orientation for that Field Note—simply rotate the hard hat icon to the proper orientation on your floor plan. This makes it easier to understand where to look when viewing on the plan or in the field. Learn more about using Field Notes with the mobile app in our Support article.

  • Improvement to OpenSpace BIM+ on mobile: We rolled out an important update that reduces crashing when using Saved Views and multiple models.

November 2024

  • Upgrade to Field Notes: We’ve rolled out a significant upgrade to the Field Notes experience on desktop. You’ll see a new, more intuitive list view, plus the following enhancements:

    • Easier grouping and viewing makes Field Notes reporting faster and more transparent

    • Make bulk edits, e.g., filter punch item Field Notes by tag, the update the status of all to “Complete” in one click

    • Filter on things like sheets and tags (e.g., Level 1, plumbing), then quickly create a PDF report of those Field Notes for sharing

    • See who updated what and when in the new history log under the Activity tab

More improvements, big and small


  • Updates to the URL in the 360° pano viewer: When navigating through the 360° pano viewer, the URL will now dynamically update to reflect your current location, camera orientation, and view state. This means you can simply copy the URL and send it to a team member so they can see exactly what’s on your screen.

October 2024

  • Deleting Timelapse Videos: You can now delete Timelapse Videos from the Timelapse videos screen. For more information, including permission requirements, please see our Support article.

  • Delete captures with errors: Along with other 360 captures, you can now also delete captures with errors. See our Support article for details on deleting captures, including required permission levels.

  • Improved usability for Field Notes: Viewing and creating Field Notes in the Sheets view on mobile is now easier and more intuitive. You can toggle to the Field Notes tab and pan across the sheet to find and view the Field Note you want. To create a new Field Note, tap the camera icon to select your location and take a photo.

September 2024


  • Support phone numbers: Easily get in touch with Support by opening the Settings page. At the top you’ll see the contact number for our Support team in your region.

  • User interface improvement for uploading multiple captures: We added a Next sheet button, making it more clear that you can capture multiple floors before transferring your captures to OpenSpace in just one step.

  • Heat Notes: We have removed the Heat Notes feature. However, if you have thermal images from a different program, you easily attach them to a Field Note in OpenSpace.


  • Delete users in bulk: Org Admins can now bulk delete users from the Team Management page. Find details in this Support article.

  • New multi-integration linking: You can now sync your OpenSpace projects simultaneously across Procore, Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC), BIM 360, PlanGrid, and Revizto. Import your sheets and users from Procore and export your Field Notes from OpenSpace to BIM 360 and ACC. If you have OpenSpace BIM+, you can import models from ACC and export Field Notes to Revizto as Issues, while also leveraging Procore for importing sheets and users. Find details on integrations on our Support site.

  • OpenSpace BIM+ improvements:

    • BIM Element Overlay: We enhanced the BIM Element Overlay process, improving how views of captures align to corresponding views of models. You’ll see this enhancement in all captures taken after August 28, 2024. Get details for using BIM Element Overlay in our Support article.

    • New Revizto integration: With OpenSpace BIM+, you can now create new Issues in Revizto from your OpenSpace Field Notes. You can also link one or more Field Notes to an existing Issue—scroll or use the search bar to find the Issue you’re looking for. Your Issues will include data from your Field Notes like 360 images, so you can quickly see what’s happening on-site. Find details in this Support article.

    • Point cloud management: The latest additions to our robust point cloud management capabilities are the ability to replace point cloud projects and view detailed point cloud upload errors for troubleshooting. Learn more about uploading and viewing point clouds in our Support article.

August 2024

  • Improvements to the help bar: We’ve upgraded your online help experience in the help bar. From the “?” icon, you can search for answers to your questions in our Support help articles, access on-demand courses in the OpenSpace Academy, start an online chat with Support, and jump to the latest Release Notes.

  • Insta360 X4: After extensive testing including Beta tester feedback, the Insta360 X4 camera is now fully supported in OpenSpace, including integration with QuickConnect to link the camera to your mobile via our app. This camera has advanced HDR capabilities that produce high-quality images including in low-light environments. Get details on supported 360° cameras in this article.

  • Language support updates: Traditional Chinese is now supported on web and in mobile. Find details on changing your language in this Support article.

July 2024

  • Upload your 360° captures without an app: You now have the option to upload your 360° video captures through the website without installing an app (important if your IT protocols prevent you from installing new applications). With this new functionality, you can retrieve your files from your camera or an SD card reader and directly upload on the web. Find instructions here.

More improvements, big and small


  • Field Note PDF reports reduced in size: Your Field Notes PDF reports are now 20x smaller. Also, you can choose to change the default settings to include full resolution images—even in that case, reports are also reduced in size.


  • Update to Zones: When you start a 360 capture or when you create a Field Note outside a 360 capture, you can now see Zones display on your sheets making it easier for you to associate a capture or a Field Note to a specific area or room on your project.

  • Models in OpenSpace BIM+: You’ll now be notified when a new version of a model is available for download.

  • Enhancements to navigating your projects: You can now get to your images by sheets in our mobile project browser; use the time slider to jump to different points in time; get to what you want to view with the location slider or by dragging and panning across the floor plan.

June 2024

  • Delete your own 360 video captures: If you need to delete a 360 video capture, you no longer need to make a request from our Support team. Saving you time, OpenSpace Admins can now delete captures from a project on their own. For more details, please see our Support article.

More improvements, big and small


  • Timelapse videos: You now have new privacy settings for timelapse videos. Users with editor permissions can change the privacy for videos they created, Admins can change the privacy for all videos, and users with viewer-only permissions cannot change privacy. Plus, use the new Timelapses button in the navigation to access a list of all your videos. Find instructions here.


  • Field Notes PDF reports: A recent enhancement to our Field Notes PDF report on the web is now available in the OpenSpace mobile app—you can now include attachments (which encompasses additional photos you’ve added to your notes) and comments in your reports. This upgrade enables you to share the complete context of your Field Notes. If you prefer to not include comments and attachments, simply uncheck the box.

  • Simplified project creation flow: We’ve simplified the steps to create a project on mobile, saving you time in the field—you now only need to enter a name and a location for your new project.

May 2024

  • Import users and sheets from Procore: We’ve released two big time-saving enhancements for organizations using Procore—you can now import Procore users and sheets to OpenSpace projects. When you're logged into Procore, and are adding members to an OpenSpace project, you'll see a new "Invite from Procore" button. Users will be imported with Viewer permissions. Conveniently add sheets to OpenSpace that you’ve already uploaded in Procore’s Drawing Tool. Get more details in our Support articles: Import Users from Procore and Import Sheets from Procore.

  • Copy Zones across floors: As part of our continuing work to enhance the use of Zones in OpenSpace, we’ve added the ability to copy Zones you’ve defined for one sheet to one or multiple sheets at one time in a project. This will be a significant time savings if your project has many floors with the same layout. For details on setting up Zones for use with Field Notes, refer to this Support article.

More improvements, big and small


  • OpenSpace BIM+ improvements

    • Point clouds: We’ve made several updates behind the scenes that improve load time and overall performance for point clouds in BIM Compare. Learn more about uploading and viewing point clouds in our Support article.

    • BIM Element Overlay: We’ve enhanced the overall user experience for BIM Element Overlay, including interface improvements when performing calibration and optimizations for better viewing when using BIM Element Overlay on a small screen. Get details for using BIM Element Overlay in our Support article.

    • BIM offline viewing on mobile: Enjoy faster BIM model downloads for offline use on your mobile device.

  • Reporting a bad capture: You’ll now see a pop-up chat making it easier to report a bad capture. For details on capture errors, please see our Support article.

  • Project home screen: For better usability and convenience, you can now right click on the links on the home page to open the link in a new tab, copy the link, and more.

  • Field Notes editing: Users with Editor permissions can now edit Field Notes created by someone else, including attaching files. Some actions are not allowed, such as closing out or deleting another user’s note.

  • OpenSpace BIM+:

    • When inspecting point cloud project files, the file status window now has more details, and the ability to remove errored files for a more intuitive experience.

    • When uploading or importing multiple files, you’ll get clearer notification in a status window when there’s an unsupported format or invalid point cloud project selection.

    • When importing multiple files from Autodesk, you’ll be able to use a checkbox next to each file to clearly select which files will be imported. Learn more about Autodesk model imports in our Support article.

  • Reporting a bad capture: You’ll now see a pop-up chat making it easier to report a bad capture.

  • Field Notes PDF reports: We’ve enhanced our Field Notes PDF report so that you can include attachments (which encompasses additional photos you’ve added to your notes) and comments in your reports. This upgrade enables you to share the complete context of your Field Notes. If you prefer to not include comments and attachments, simply uncheck the box. Learn more about Field Notes PDF reports in our Support article.


  • New bottom navigation: Get to where you want to go faster with new bottom tab navigation in the mobile app: you’ll find icons for home, sheets, Field Notes, and settings.

  • Updates in the Field Notes “Details” tab:

    • Minor label updates: We changed the label “Sheet” to “Location” to match the user interface on web. We also simplified the “Edit location” label to “Edit.”

  • Project view improvement: To make it easier to tap and access the settings icon and the three-line icon at the top of the project home page (especially if you’re using a small mobile device), we increased the space around those buttons.

  • Field Notes assignee: Once you assign someone to a Field Note, that person will now automatically be added as a watcher.

April 2024

  • Project home screen: The new project home screen now includes at-a-glance options to get to the most relevant information for your project: active sheets, latest captures, and most recent Field Notes. Learn more in our Support Article.

  • Self-serve onboarding: Previously rolled out for OpenSpace Admins, self-serve onboarding is now available for all OpenSpace users. Learn how to use OpenSpace on your own time with this online tool. (Find additional learning opportunities in OpenSpace Academy.)

More improvements, big and small


  • Long model names: When uploading models, long file names were previously cut off. Now, you’ll see ellipses and you can hover over the name to see the full long file name.

  • BIM Element Overlay: We’ve fixed the Z height offset issue when overlaying a model element onto the image side of the viewer. (Learn more about BIM Element Overlay in OpenSpace BIM+.)

  • BIM model flickering: Flickering on parts of models in the BIM viewer has been resolved.

  • Editing Zones: For a better experience, we made an update so that you can now pan while editing an existing Zone.

  • Uploading a new model: When you upload a new model file in an empty project, the file name now displays on-screen, and is available to access, as soon as your upload starts.

  • Field Notes comments: Previously, if you deleted a user, comments that user added to Field Notes were not accessible. Our latest update resolved that issue, making the comments available.


  • UI standardization for capture flow: We’ve standardized the elements you see during the capture flow—the arrangement, color, and size of text, images, progress bar, etc.—for a more uniform, eye-pleasing experience.

  • Field Notes updates and fixes in the mobile app:

    • You can now review and edit Field Notes taken during an offline capture without needing to get back online. You can also edit those Field Notes even while still capturing.

    • The mobile app will no longer crash when you filter Field Notes by a single date.

    • Field Notes you’ve closed will no longer appear in your Field Notes list. To view them, you can filter by the Closed status.

    • Changing the status of a Field Note on your mobile device now functions

    • properly.

March 2024

  • Zones in Field Notes: Our first rollout of Zones in OpenSpace is with Field Notes. You can create Zones that match any area on your project that you want to track, and OpenSpace automatically tags your notes by the Zones they’re in, making it easy to filter your Field Notes. Learn more in our Support article.

  • Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) Build: Our Field Notes integration with ACC Build is now available for everyone. If you use ACC Build, you can link your OpenSpace Field Notes to existing (or create new) RFIs and Issues. Find more information in our Support article.

More improvements, big and small


  • BIM Element Overlay: Based on user feedback, we’ve rolled out a number of updates to improve the user interface for BIM Element Overlay. For better visibility, every time you hover on an object, the object will be highlighted. Plus we added an opacity slider for the overlaid elements. The toolbar now adapts to small screens and you can minimize the toolbar. In addition, you can now select and clear individual objects. (Learn more about how to use BIM Element Overlay in OpenSpace BIM+.)

  • Field Notes reports: Generate a Field Notes PDF report directly from your Field Notes home page with the new Export button.

  • Timelapse videos: When you create a timelapse video, you can now give it a name.

  • Mini map: When you click the pull-down menu on the mini map, your current location is now highlighted in the list for easier navigation.

  • New member confirmation: When you add a new member to a project or capture, you’ll now receive a confirmation message on-screen so you’ll know your addition was a success.


  • Loading sheets: When you select a sheet to load from the drop-down list, we’ve updated the interface to make it more obvious that the sheet is loading.

  • Field Notes count: View your Field Notes during a capture easily with the new status at the bottom of the screen—you’ll see the number of Field Notes and a preview of images. Tap the Field Notes count to head to a gallery view of your Field Note images.

  • Updating Field Notes to “Closed”: Users with editor permissions can now change the status of Field Notes created by another user to "Closed."

  • Field Notes “No Status” fix: Previously, the Field Notes detail screen was showing “No Status” for closed Field Notes. The screen now accurately displays the “Closed” status.

  • Sheet view during a capture: If you tap the sheet during a capture you are now taken to a full-screen view of the sheet where you can pan and zoom. Easily return to the in-capture view.

  • Ricoh Theta Z1: We now support high-compression format for Ricoh Theta Z1 camera. File sizes are reduced by half, resulting in faster upload times.

April 2023


  • Some tweaks to the BIM Compare experience that should improve lagging issues for newly-uploaded models and general usability for all models.


  • Saved Views in BIM Compare Beta now available! Contact your Customer Success Manager to enroll.

March 2023


  • Camera Integrations: OneRS 1-inch and X3 - OpenSpace now supports the capture processing through Insta360 OneRS1-inch and X3 cameras with the new mobile and Desktop sync app.

February 2023


  • QuickConnect - [Mobile]

    • We have released an incredibly fast and easy way to connect Insta, Ricoh, and Garmin cameras to your phone on our app. The previously cumbersome process (with switching wifi sources and entering long passcodes is now replaced with a sleek and streamlined wizard.

  • Capture Heatmap - [Mobile]

    • Before starting a capture, you will now see a blue gradient overlay on the floorplan that shows which areas have been captured previously and at what frequency to help plan your capture path.

  • Upgraded Field Note list - [Mobile]

    • An upgraded field note list that includes a list view, a gallery grid view, and a search functionality to help you find field notes faster on mobile.


January 2023


  • We have upgraded our search functionality for Field Note watchers so you can find who you're looking for not just by their email, but also their name and job title! Give it a try - type in any of the three and watch the magic happen.

December 2022


  • Closed status for Field Notes is now live for all users! We have added a new, specialized 'Closed' status for Field Notes that has a few new functionalities:

    • Hidden by default: When you mark a field note with a closed status, it will be hidden by default. There is an option in the Status filter to "Show closed" field notes if you'd like to see them.

    • Permissions: Only the field note creator, a site admin, or org admin can close a field note

    • Editing: A number of the fields in a field note become disabled for editing in a closed field note - re-open it to edit (anyone can re-open a field note).

November 2022


  • Shared with Me is a new central location to view all of your Shared Folders! You can find this page on the sidebar from an organization's Project List page. More details for how this page works in this article.


  • Admin Reports are now available to all Org Admins in standard, capped, and enterprise org types. Admin Reports include four unique reports so that Org Admins can easily understand how OpenSpace is being adopted across their organization, identify champions, and quickly correct lapses in capture cadence to ensure data quality. Additionally, the data is easy to export, so many Beta customers are already using Admin Reports to more easily showcase OpenSpace value and ROI to key stakeholders and clients. This article gives a quick overview of the feature.



  • Sheet Overlay feature in BIM Compare, available Early Access. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to get access.


  • "Verify" alignment update to our self-serve BIM Alignment tool, which gives Org Admins and Site Admins more control over BIM alignment in OpenSpace. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn more.

October 2022


  • Procore Integration [Beta] - New Punch List is now available for a limited set of customers , giving users an ability to Integrate Punch Lists into Procore from OpenSpace. You can also Integrate to an existing list of Punch Lists. To enable this feature, reach out to your Customer Success Manager. Here is Support Article for reference


  • UI updates to our self-serve BIM Alignment tool, which gives Org Admins and Site Admins more control over BIM alignment in OpenSpace. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn more.


  • We released Field Note reporting to all of our customers on the Admin Reporting Beta. Field Note reports will allow Org Admins to quickly analyze all of the Field Notes created within their organization, to understand usage and adoption, and to identify trends on specific projects or across many projects.


  • URLs within Field Note descriptions and comments are now clickable

September 2022


Accepting a limited number of Beta customers for a (new) self-serve BIM Alignment tool, to give Org Admins and Site Admins more control over BIM alignment in OpenSpace. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn more.


Open up BIM Compare in OpenSpace and check out the bottom right corner of the BIM Viewer to see the date that the model was uploaded. In a hover state, you can also see the time and date that the model was uploaded, and the email address of the user who uploaded the model.

August 2022


Site and Org Admins - head to the BIM tab in Project Settings to see the same new information shown in BIM Compare, along with some additional information about BIM alignment:

  • Timestamp: the date and time that the model was uploaded.

  • Uploader: the email address for the user who uploaded the model.

  • Alignment: the number of Floors (AKA Sheets) in your project that are aligned to the model. Note that only Floors with Captures get aligned to models.


Released project groups, allowing customers to organize OpenSpace projects into groups within an Org. This feature is currently available to a limited group of Beta customers.

July 2022


Released breadcrumb navigation, making it easier to navigate between projects within an organization.

June 2022


BETA: Integrated the BIM viewer with progress tracking sheet view so that designs could be compared to progress. Contact to enable this feature on your OpenSpace Track project.

May 2022


New Procore app for non-US customers:

This release includes the ability to embed the OpenSpace app in Procore on non-US servers as well as the ability to export individual Field Notes and images to a Procore project.


After your first BIM upload and alignment, as soon as your updated models are uploaded and processed, customers will see instant alignment. Now your team can compare your new designs against the work-in-place right away.

Note that if your model geometry or coordinate system has significant changes, instant alignment may not apply. If you experience any delay with your instant alignment, please reach out to our support team


Mobile app version v5.0

  • New organization and project menus.

  • Improved Field Note zoom.

  • "Pull to refresh" data on organization list, project list, and project homes.


Large, multipage PDF upload support

April 2022


Improvements to Shared Folders.


  • Improvements to OpenSpace Track progress tracking to enable faster set up for new progress tracking projects.

  • Released Door Tracking, OpenSpace Track progress tracking can now track Door Frames & Panels.


Field note bug fixes.


Improved onboarding experience for first time users being added to multiple projects at once.


Changed to international date format throughout the OpenSpace web application.


Added pagination to BIM360 Field Note Integration, users can now quickly find and link the right issues when linking field notes to BIM360 Field.

March 2022


Released fix for bug causing errors when opening field notes.

Updated "User Management" tab to "Team Management."


Improved BIM Model upload error messaging.


Restricted access to reactivating completed and archived sites to site admins and org admins.


Improved field note watchlist emails by removing large attachments and replacing them with direct links.


Improved user management table interactions.


Added Spanish language translations to OpenSpace web application.

February 2022


Field Notes improvements, full Field Note descriptions included in Field Note Reports.

January 2022


Added and/or toggle to Field Note list filter.


Released improvements to OpenSpace Track CSV Export.

December 2021



OS Basic customers can now request an upgrade on mobile.


Released improvements to Desktop Sync app.

November 2021


Concrete tracker for OpenSpace Track can now track concrete pours for slabs, footings, columns and walls.


OpenSpace Track overview table now displays percent complete by default.


OpenSpace Track sheet view snaps to identified materials on the sheet.


  • Improved sheet resolution on sheets used for navigation.

  • Field Notes list is now accessible on mobile even if no captures exist.

October 2021


OpenSpace has been translated into Japanese and Chinese.


OpenSpace Basic web account creation launched.


Face blurring is now enabled by default based on region/server.

September 2021


Progress tracking productivity chart hover state now includes sheet name


Face Blurring now available for 360° Photos.

August 2021


Launched support for 360 video captures on the Ricoh Theta Z1


Fix to allow customers to view field notes even if there are no captures


Launched OS Basic


Improvements to progress tracking navigation


Improvements for email notifications


User management project search improvements

July 2021


Field Notes V3 launched!


Unobserved trackers are now included with the "Show Not Started" feature in the Details view of Progress Tracking.


Fixed BIM 360 integration issue related to data filtering.


Org admins can now promote other members to org admin.

June 2021


Shared folders - Shared folder names are now required.


User management tool - Org admins can now edit the full name and job title of members.


User management tool - The list of projects and shared folders is now collapsible.


Partial drywall fix for Progress Tracking


Autosuggest email addresses once they’ve been added to one project - Adding users just got a lot faster. Copy and paste all of your users to invite them at once. Adding a user to any project will make sure they’re autosuggested (e.g. if you start typing in “Jes”, an autofill of jessica@openspace will show up).

Field note report improvements


Field note mobile list - View all of your field notes on your mobile browser. Open the mobile app, click "View Site" to view your captures, and then click on the field notes button on the bottom righthand corner to open the field note mobile list.

Fixed splitscreen location bug.


Mobile and web:

Creators of field notes are now automatically added to the email alert list.

May 2021


iOS and Android mobile app:

Viewers are now able to login to the mobile app and view the project/captures. Previously, this was limited to only users with editor-level permission and above


User management tool - Users can now search project names when filtering by project, as well as search by project when adding an individual user to a new project on the right-hand detail card.

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