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Admin Reporting
Updated over a month ago





Site Administrator

Organization Administrator

Access Admin Reports


Admin Reports include four unique reports so that Org Admins can understand how OpenSpace is being adopted across their organization, identify champions, and quickly correct lapses in capture cadence to ensure data quality. Additionally, the data is easy to export, so many customers use Admin Reports to more easily showcase OpenSpace value and ROI to key stakeholders and clients. This article gives a quick overview of the feature.

Navigating to Admin Reports

  • Step 1: Navigate to Admin Reports from the project landing page by first clicking on the “Admin” section

  • Step 2: Next click on the “Reports” section. This will take you to Admin Reports

Unique Reports

  • The Project Report is a list of all of your projects and important data related to those projects. Admins often use this report to get a high level understanding of how different projects across their portfolio have adopted OpenSpace. This summary view makes it easy to compare across projects, to spot usage trends, or to identify projects that might need additional support to get up and running with the OpenSpace platform.

  • The Captures Report is a list of all captures across your Organization. Admins can easily see which team members are frequently capturing on projects. Use the filters to look at the capture history of a specific project or to look at capture activity within a specific timeframe.

  • The Field Notes Report is a list of all Field Notes across your Organization. Use the report to identify issue trends across your portfolio or easily sort Field Notes by priority to ensure that important issues are closed out or reviewed.

  • The Activity Report allows you to understand which members of your organization are viewing project data. Filter down to a specific project to see which team members have viewed data most recently.


  1. Every report can be filtered by project. Select one project, multiple projects, or all projects.

  2. Every report can be filtered by project status. Select all, active, or closed.

  3. Projects, Captures, and Field Notes reports can be filtered by timeframe. Filter by last week, last month, last year, or all time. You can also filter using a custom date range.

  4. The Activity Report can be filtered by viewer email. This allows you to look at the activity of a specific team member or multiple team members.

CSV Exports

All reports can be exported via CSV. This option can be found in the upper right hand corner of each report. Easily pull data into Excel or your BI tool of choice to perform further analysis or to create visualizations.


Each report can be sorted alphabetically by any of the columns. To sort the report by a specific column, click on the column header.

In the Project Report, Admins often sort based on the number of 360° Videos, to quickly see which projects have a high frequency of capture and which projects have a lower frequency of captures.


  1. Who has access to Admin Reports?

    1. All Org Admins within an Organization have access to Admin Reports. If you need to share data from Admin Reporting more broadly, you can download a CSV to distribute over email or cloud.

  2. What time zones are displayed within the Admin Reports?

    1. All time zones are set to that of the associated project. For example, if a project time zone is set to “America/ New_York” then all dates related to that project will show in Eastern Time. Check or reset the project time zone in the Project Settings.

  3. What is the difference between “Last Viewed” in the Activity Report and “Last Login” on the user management page?

    1. The “Last Viewed” date shown in the Activity tab is the last time a team member viewed a specific project, because of this, a team members’ last viewed date can vary on different projects. The “Last Login” date on the User Management page is the last time a team member logged in to their OpenSpace account.

If you have any additional questions please reach out to the OpenSpace Support team at

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