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Viewing OpenSpace Captures - Images
Updated over 5 months ago


OpenSpace has created a time machine for builders, so that you have an accurate visual record of the job site as it was yesterday, a week ago, or ten years ago. We provide transparency and unbiased truth. And the best part is that it requires no additional labor or infrastructure.

How to view images

  •  Find the project you would like to view. If you have many projects, you are also able to use the search bar at the top middle of the screen above your project tiles.

  • The project tiles also include relevant statistics about the activity on your project. If no capture has been taken on the project in more than 7 days, or the project has less than 4 captures in a month, an email alert will be automatically sent to all project members (with Editor permissions or above), and project statistics text will change to orange (see below).

  • Hover over the project image and click on the "Images" button

  • Click on the blue dots within your capture to move forward or backwards. You can also use the playback feature to run through the walk path automatically - adjust the playback speed by clicking on the three horizontal dots. You can also move frame by frame by clicking on the single arrows in either direction. The playback controls can be found in the bottom center of the screen.

  • Or, on the upper right-hand side, click on the mini map to see the entire path of your capture. Clicking anywhere on that path will transport you to that exact location in the site. If you take two different captures on the same day, the capture paths will show as different colors.

  • You can also jump around in time by clicking on the calendar on the bottom of the screen. The calendar will pop out all dates that have captures - and color indicators will vary based on the sheet you are on and your current location. Dark Blue dates mean that there was a capture on that sheet, in the location you're currently viewing. Light Blue dates mean that there was a capture on that sheet but not in the exact location you are currently viewing. Light Gray dates mean there is a capture on that date but not on the current sheet.

  • Click on the timestamp next to the calendar date to view all images taken at the current location you're viewing - the camera is always firing, but we select the best image as a default. 

  • Finally, to compare and contrast dates side by side, click on the Split View button in the lower right and then change the date on one side, as shown below:

If you have any additional questions please reach out to the OpenSpace Support team at

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